About Forest District

The Wymiarki Forest District is one of the twenty forest districts of the Regional Directorate of State Forests in Zielona Góra It is located in the South-West part of Lubuskie Province.

Forest resources

The main forest-forming tree species in the Wymiarki Forest District is Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). Other species cover small areas of land.


The planning of silviculture activities depends on the species habitat of the forest and its commercial forest stand type.

Forest protection

Forest protection is one of the fundamental areas of economic activity in forestry. It is to employ theoretical and practical knowledge to protect forests from detriment.

Forest use

The current reserves of wood in the Polish forests are estimated at 1.5 milliard m3. In the previous years, an average of 70 000 m3 of timber yearly has been harvested in the Wymiarki Forest District. Harvest cutting constitutes 40% of the amount. The rest comes from silvicultural activities which condition the correct growth and further development of forest stands. Through such use, abundance of our forests is constantly increasing.

Forest management

Forest management in State Forests is based on the Forest Management Plans created for the Forest District once per 10 years. They are prepared for the State Forests by specialised units, among others by The Bureau for Forest Management and Geodesy (Biuro Urządzania Lasu i Geodezji Leśnej, BULiGL). The Forest Management Plans are approved by Environment Minister after consultations with society.


Management of game is yet another type of activity in the Wymiarki Forest District. There are four hunting zones in the Forest District. Two of those, with the combined area of 22,500 ha constitute a Game Breeding Centre. The two remaining ones, with the combined area of 14,000 ha are hired by "Koło Łowieckie Cietrzew" hunting association based in Żary.

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Szanowni Państwo, w związku z realizacją prac gospodarczych, w zakresie zwalczania szkodników i ochrony lasów, na terenie Nadleśnictwa Wymiarki prowadzone są opryski.


W terminie od 21.05 do 10.06.2018 r. prosimy nie zbierać runa leśnego itp.
*Prowadzone opryski stosowane są w celu zwalczenia szkodników pierwotnych sosny, które stwarzają zagrożenie dla trwałości lasów.


Więcej informacji o obszarach, na których prowadzone są opryski oraz etykiety używanych śr. chemicznych znajdziesz poniżej w linkach:

- terminy i lokalizacje oprysków na terenie N-ctwa

- etykieta Foray 76B

- etykieta Dimilin 480 SC